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Buck Moon's Call: Answering the Wild Within!

The 2023 Buck Moon amazes us with its magical meaning - especially since the nights are so short in comparison to the long days. As you bask in the glow of July's full moon, you'll feel centred, grounded, and revived. Take time to connect with its cosmic energy as you delve into your rituals, making it a sacred experience.

Ah, July! The season of sizzling hot days and groovy vibes, where the air is filled with an intoxicating cocktail of sweet scents. The earth is alive with the whirring of busy bees and the buzzing of cicadas. Whether it's the freshly cut grass, the sweet fragrance of flowers, or the sun-kissed smells of sunscreen and chlorine, it's hard not to fall in love with July's summer magic!

Mark your calendars, Buck Moon 2023 is coming in hot on July 3rd! Make sure you're up early because it'll peak at 7.39 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Okay, so let's talk bucks. If you didn't know, July's Full Moon gets its name from the male deer, known as a buck. At this time of year, the buck's velvety rack transforms into impressive antlers that are seen as a symbol of fertility. So, seeing a majestic buck in all its glory during this time is something truly spectacular to witness!

As we enter the season of abundance, let us harness the power of the magical Goddess within us. Just as the majestic beasts flourish with their buck antlers, we too can flourish in this season. With self-reflection and honest introspection, we can identify our passions and strengths, using them as sources of power and motivation. By practicing strong leadership, we can prioritize our dreams and aspirations, shedding distractions that hold us back and unleashing our full potential.

The energy of this generous season is not only found in the natural world but within us as well. With renewed focus and tenacity, we can tap into our inner strength and drive, embracing the power of dream work and self-belief. So, let the magic of the thriving wildlife inspire us to thrive as well, becoming the best versions of ourselves as we fully embrace the abundance of this season.


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